Crystal Cove State Beach
Recent Property Transactions
Dawn Rinker started in Real Estate working for her father in high school providing real estate sales, development, entitlements, property management, and due diligence for residential homes and retail sites. She worked with many clients in the real estate business over the last 30 years.
“Come Discover!”
Sold $3,100,000
Dawn Rinker 30+ Years as a Real Estate Broker
BS from USC
Masters in Gerontology and Planning from USC
Ken Rinker,Real Estate Agent and Chartered Financial Analyst
Investment Management for over 30+ Years
MBA from USC- Ken plays an advisement role in the financial and negotiating part of the sale.
10 Cavaillon, Newport Coast, 3 Seyne, Newport Coast, 23 Silver Pine, Newport Coast, 44 Harcourt, Newport Coast, 374 Villa Point, Newport Beach, 6 Ironwood, Newport Beach, 8 Agostino, Newport Coast, 940 Rembrandt, Laguna Beach, 17 Bridgeport, Newport Coast, 4 Tarascon, Newport Coast, 33 Chandon, Newport Coast, 11 San Pietro, Newport Coast, 4612 Via Carlos, Laguna Hills, 707 Bayside, Newport Beach, 31 Vernon Newport Coast, 41 Marisol Newport Coast, 2 Cavaillon, Newport Coast